The Casino’s Bedrock Is Engineered to Bleed Players of Their Money

Beneath the flashing lights and free cocktails, casinos stand on a bedrock of math that is engineered to slowly bleed players of their money. And it’s been this way for years. Mathematically inclined physicists have attempted to turn the tables on the houses, using their knowledge of probability and game theory to exploit weaknesses in a system that appears to be rigged.

While a casino should always keep its business goals in mind when designing the gambling environment, they also strive to make the experience fun and enjoyable for their guests. This ensures that gamblers will return for more gambling and helps build a positive reputation for the casino.

To achieve this goal, casino designers carefully plan and design the gaming floor and gambling experience with various sensory inputs in mind. The most critical of these sensory inputs are the audio, lighting and visual (AVL) systems.

The AVL systems help to create the right atmosphere for the games by setting the mood with the right lighting, music and video content. They can even help shape the behavior of casino guests by influencing the way they interact with the games.

For example, video cameras in casino gambling rooms monitor players’ actions to detect any suspicious behavior or violations of rules and policies. They also enable the house to track player’s wins and losses, as well as their total winnings. In addition, the technology behind casino gaming has expanded to include chip tracking that allows the house to oversee betting minute-by-minute and spot any anomalies; and roulette wheels are monitored electronically to discover statistical deviations from expected results.