Slots in the Bot Framework

A narrow opening, as a hole in a piece of equipment or a container. Also: a position or spot in a sequence, series, program, etc. Visitors can book a time slot on the museum’s website.

A slot is a dynamic placeholder that either waits passively for content (a passive slot) or calls out to get it using a scenario (an active slot). In natural language understanding, slots can be configured to match a specific regular expression or built-in slot type.

Once a slot has been developed, it must undergo testing and quality assurance to ensure that it works as intended. This includes unit testing – where individual components are tested to determine if they work as intended; integration testing – where the component is combined with other components and tested as a whole; and system testing – where the entire slot game is tested to find any bugs or issues.

In a slot machine, the player inserts cash or, in “ticket-in, ticket-out” machines, a paper ticket with a barcode, which activates reels that spin and rearrange symbols. When a winning combination is lined up, the player receives credits based on the pay table. The payout schedule is typically displayed above and below the slot machine’s reels. Most slot games have a theme, with symbols and bonus features aligned to that theme.

Slots are now accessible from any intent, which improves efficiency when building bot flows and reduces the amount of code required to perform identification and verification in self-service tasks. Learn more about slots in the Bot Framework documentation.