A slot is a narrow aperture or groove, such as a keyway in a machine or the opening for a coin in a vending machine. (Collins Dictionary) A slot is also a time period in which an event can occur, such as a meeting or a deadline.
In computing, a slot is an engineering technique that allows a computer to expand its capabilities by adding circuitry in the form of expansion slots (in the shape of closely spaced pinholes). These holes are typically located on the motherboard and may include ISA, PCI or AGP slots. Modern slot machines are the leading source of gambling revenue, generating upwards of three-quarters of casino revenues in some casinos. Psychologists such as Robert Breen have found that players of video slot machines reach debilitating levels of addiction much more quickly than those who play other casino games or gamble on sports.
Using slot-based scheduling can be useful for organizations that depend on consistent interaction or appointment settings with clients, such as health care providers who schedule urgent appointments, routine check-ups and consultations with new patients. It can also help managers prioritize work and meet important milestones throughout a project. It’s important to communicate updates and changes to schedules so that all stakeholders remain aware of their responsibilities.