The Basics of Poker


The Basics of Poker

In poker, you play with poker chips. Usually, there are two kinds of chips: blue and red. Each color represents a different value in the game, and the higher the number of reds, the higher the value of the blue chip will be. Players “buy in” by purchasing a chip that equals the amount of their original buy-in. In a game that has seven or more players, all players must buy in.

During the initial stages of the game, players may be required to put in money before the deal, called an ante. The first player to bet will then bet, followed by another player who calls or raises. A player who checks is in without betting, and ensures that no other player has bet. The betting interval is considered to have ended when the last player has raised or checked. In some variants, players use 53-card packs with a joker as the wild card.

Before the game starts, players may have to place money in the pot prior to the deal. This is known as an ante. After the cards are dealt, a player is said to bet. A player who matches the previous bet is said to call. A player who bets more than the previous player is said to raise. A player who checks is considered to stay in, but must make sure that no other players have bet.