In Casino, Martin Scorsese focuses on the dark underbelly of Vegas and its mob ties. The movie is a thriller that doesn’t lose steam or lull, even at over three hours. Its gruesome scenes (including the car bomb, the attempted assassination of De Niro’s character with a gun, and Joe Pesci’s death from a drug overdose) aren’t gratuitous but faithful to reality.
Casinos are carefully designed to influence gambler behavior. They include intimate, windowless spaces with slot machines that are arranged in mazes to entice visitors into playing for longer periods of time. The sound of slot machines, the lights that beckon players to play, and the smell of smoke create an atmosphere that makes gambling feel like a fun way to spend money.
Gambling has been a part of human culture for millennia. The earliest evidence comes from 2300 BC China, when wooden blocks were used for chance games. Dice were introduced in 500 BC and card games in the 1400s. Today’s modern casinos make most of their profits from high rollers, who place large bets. These gamblers are treated to luxuries such as private rooms and personal attention from dealers. Casinos also offer a variety of other games, from bingo to horse racing, in addition to slots.
In the past, casinos offered complimentary drinks and snacks to all visitors, including children. But, as casinos have become more sophisticated, they have shifted their focus to target specific groups. High rollers are given their own areas of the casino away from regular customers and are often encouraged to gamble in private rooms that cost tens of thousands of dollars. To increase profits from these gamblers, casinos provide perks such as free meals and luxury suites.